The University of Turku is a world-class multidisciplinary research university which offers interesting challenges and a unique vantage point to national and international research and education. The University of Turku is ranked in the top 1 % of universities in the world.
Professor or Assistant / Associate Professor in Quaternary Geology
The vacancy will be filled from the beginning of September 2021.
The successful applicant may be appointed to a fixed-term associate / assistant professorship (tenure track) or a permanent full professorship depending on his / her previous academic merits. For the position of Assistant Professor, we seek proactive researchers and teachers beyond their post doc phase yet still at their early academic career, and who already have a proven track record of scientific research. For the position of Associate Professor, and particularly for the position of Full Professor, we seek experienced and internationally renowned experts who already have excellent publications record and success in acquiring external research funding.
The post is placed at the Geology Division of the Department of Geography and Geology. The Department of Geography and Geology forms a multidisciplinary, dynamic and international scientific environment. It currently includes 11 professors and about 70 researchers or other staff members. The Department is highly productive, internationally influential, and strongly involved in societal interaction. The effectiveness of teaching is reflected in a good degree completion rate.
The task of the Professor in Quaternary Geology is especially the research and teaching of sedimentary formations within glacial environments and the use of quaternary geological (spatial) information in research, modeling and social applications. Expertise demonstrated in publications in this area is especially valued as research merits. In particular, we require proven track record of high-quality scientific research and teaching, especially in the applicant's recent research, the applicant's activity in the scientific community and success in obtaining complementary research funding, as well as experience in international assignments.
For more details, consult the webpage here