Van den Broeck Medal

This Medal was created in 1987 to mark the centenary of the Belgian Society of Geology, in honor of its first General Secretary. (See special volume of the "Centenary of the Belgian Society of Geology", 1987). The first laureate was Maurice Lys from Orsay University, specialized in Paleozoic foraminifera.

During the centennial ceremonies, the President Alphonse Beugnies, who died a few weeks later, and Ernest Van den Broeck handed a medal to the organizers: The Aymard Comte d'Ursel, President of the Centennial Committee and E. Groessens, General Secretary. The following medals were awarded to Mrs. J.-P. Cobbold and C. Samama

The laureates of the last decade of the century were: A. Strasser (Switzerland), G. Kukla (USA), C. Chopin (France), J.-C. Roux (France), C. Babin (France), H. Kucha (Poland), F. Bergerat (France) and Aigner T. (Germany). A medal was also awarded to Prof. Yves Coppens of the "Collège de France".

The medal was not awarded in 1998 and 1999.

The last laureate of the Van den Broeck medal was B. Beets (NL) in 2000.

In 2015, the GB boarding committee decided to attribute again a "Ernest Van den Broeck" medal every year to a Belgian geologist for his/her career.

Last Laureates

    • 2019 - "The Cartographers of the Walloon Region"

2019 awarded Laureates of the Van den Broeck medal on the field during the GB excursion in the region of Malmedy. More details (images, videos, documents, etc) for the GB members in the hidden part [Member login zone]

the laureates - cartographers of the Walloon Region

from left to right in the back: Timothy Debacker, Pierre Ghysel, Frédéric Favart, Martin Laloux, Eric Lemonne, Jean-Louis Pingot, Jonathan Michel, Isabelle Bélanger, Jean-Marc Marion

from left to right in the front: Bernard Delcambre, Serge Delabby, Bernard Mottequin, Virginie Dumoulin, Céline Vanneste, Alain Herbosch, Dominique Delsate


Past Laureates


Past Laureates [before Geologica Belgica, under the "Société belge de Géologie"]

  • 1997 - Thomas Aigner, Germany - Sedimentology
  • 1996 - Francoise Bergerat, France - Structural geology
  • 1995 - H. Kucha, Poland - Mineralogy
  • 1994 - H. Kucha, Poland - Mineralogy
  • 1993 - C. Babin, France - Paleontology
  • 1992 - J.C. Roux, France - Hydrology
  • 1991 - C. Chopin, France - Petrology
  • 1990 - G. Kukla, U.S.A. - Quaternary geology
  • 1989 - A. Strasser, Switzerland - Sedimentology
  • 1988 - P. Cobbold, United Kingdom - Structural geology
  • 1987 - JC Samama, France - Petroleum geology
  • 1987 - Yves Coppens, France - Paleoanthropology
  • 1987 - M. Lys, France - Micropaleontology