PhD position in Structural and Metamorphic Geology to investigate the mechanisms and significance of transient brittle deformation in the ductile crust. The main goal is to understand and quantify the roles of episodic fluid pressure oscillations, of seismic loading, and of local stress amplifications on cyclic switches from viscous to brittle deformation in the middle- and lower crust, and the associated implications for the earthquake cycle.
To achieve this goal, the project will combine field work, high resolution microstructural analysis, and numerical modelling to investigate two km-scale shear zones: (1) the Nusfjord East shear zone network (Lofoten, Norway) and (2) the Moyagee fault (Yilgarn craton, Western Australia).
For more details on the PhD project at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo: please consult the website reference page of this PhD project